Why Sell With Us

Contactable 7 days

Professionals Sales Team

Our staff are highly trained

We advertise in Newspapers

We have a large window display

We have an excellent reputation

Combined experience of 40 years

We have development experience

We advertise on multiple Web Sites

We have up to the minute technology

We have our own in house Finance Expert

We have a large database of builders/developers

We have  well trained and dedicated support staff

A meeting is held every week to discuss each property

We don’t deliberately overload your price and BUY your listing

We can refer you to an excellent solicitor that is reasonably priced

Every property listed has at least 500 leaflet drop around property

We have excellent negotiating skills and take pride in achieving the best possible

price for every vendor

We will negotiate a purchase for our vendors on any purchase they may make through

another agent – at no cost